Thursday, June 18, 2009

static_cast and CRTP

I have been using CRTP (curiously recurring template pattern) for my Sparse Matrix classes for a number of reasons:

1) Performance, as this is a high-performance computing issue.
2) Parameter type checking without the need to inspect RTTI (run-time type information).

Here is the deal:

template < class DER >
class SpMat
{ ... }

template < class DER>
template <typename SR>
void SpMat<DER>::SpGEMM(SpMat<DER> & A, SpMat<DER> & B, ...)
// check for conformance, etc.
static_cast< DER* >(this)->template PlusEq_AtXBt<SR>(static_cast< DER >(A), static_cast< DER >(B));

class SpDCCols: public SpMat <SpDCCols >
template <typename SR>
int PlusEq_AtXBt(const SpDCCols & A, const SpDCCols & B);

This won't compile because static_cast< DER >(A) fails as no explicit conversion operator from SpMat< SpDCCols > to SpDCCols is supplied, although the latter class is derived from the former. This also has to do with the semantics of static_cast() operator:
Stroustrup says "For a built-in type T, T(e) is equivalent to static_cast(e)"

So, are we gonna provide a conversion constructor? Of course not. One can convert a pointer/reference of a type A to a pointer/reference of a type B if A is a base class of B.
Therefore, the immediate solution is to cast to a reference rather than a concrete object, which will also avoid unnecessary explicit conversion and make your code faster:
static_cast< DER & >(A)

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